
Read the exclusive blog by Jason.


Welcome to my website – this is the bit where I’m going to voice my views on different subjects every week. I love talking about football, so this is where it will happen. . . STILL LIFE IN THE OLD DROG (AND TERRY AND LAMPARD!) What a great night it was for Chelsea when they overturned Napoli in the... Read More »
Posted on 17 November 2011   Blog, Press

“Blatter shows football’s true colours”

Blackburn striker Jason Roberts is “outraged” at Sepp Blatter’s comments on racism but believes the Fifa president’s attitude reflects the “true face” of the football authorities to the problem. Click here for the video and full story. Read More »
Posted on 05 November 2011   Blog, Press
Posted on 03 November 2011   Blog

Squad Rotation

The game has really changed over the last few years with the introduction of squad rotation. I’ve not played in the last two games, but I understand that at my age that I can’t play in every game. There are better players than me getting rotated in the Premier League. The modern player now views rotation differently than when... Read More »
Posted on 29 October 2011   Blog
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