Winning football matches

Posted on 22 October 2011   Blog

I know I run the risk of sounding like a broken record, but whatever issues we have at the moment can be dealt with in one simple way - winning football matches.

The fans are planning a demonstration on Sunday and that’s up to them. They pay their money and they are entitled to do what they like.

However, we have a lot of young players in our team and I only hope that whatever happens off the pitch, it doesn’t spill on to it and affect them.

But the experienced pros in the team like me and the others, will take on the responsibility and make sure we stick to our game plan against Tottenham. We have to stay focused and blot out everything and build on what we did last week.

We might still bottom of the league but last week’s performance against QPR was a credible one. It was disappointing to lose the goal.

But we battled well and it was a performance I was proud to be a part of. Progression in this league is built on performances like that.

I’ve been a part of teams that didn’t have the talent but battled hard. I’d like to think we have the right mix of talent here which will give us a massive chance to be successful this season.

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